Monday, August 18, 2014

Interview with Phil Maloney and David Fox

This weeks interview is a little bittersweet for me, I have the final interviews with Phil Maloney and David Fox that may ever be done with them again. Phil from Fighting For Ithaca and David from The Faceplants. Both drummers for their respective bands and who have both recently left their bands. Not for selfish reasons mind you, but for reasons that are respectable beyond belief, and I will let them explain to you their reasons. Drummers are usually the most underrated member of a band being behind all the action, HOWEVER if you know Phil and David they are probably 2 of the most respected and loved drummers in the Vancouver music scene. If you were at Olympia Pizza in Surrey on August 8th, you saw the end of an era. and the beginnings of a new era with FFI. It was Phil's last show with the band and the evolution from Phil to Sheldon took place. Yes Sheldon Stenning formerly of SHARKS! On Fire! now of FFI (Who I'll have next week being interviewed so stay tuned for that). And also the debut of FFI's newest guitarist, Justin Mattock (Who I interview a few weeks ago, check that out). Hell enough of my rambling, time to let Phil and David say their final words.

ITS - For those that don't know the reasons you guys are leaving your bands could you briefly explain why?

David - " Family. At the level our bands were at, it was impossible to do what needed to be done. Any serious band needs ALL members to be 100% dedicated, motivated and extremely active. For myself, i couldn't financially support my family and be a member of a band that has high aspirations. I could have stayed but it would not have been fair to my band."

Phil - "While I have really enjoyed my time in the Fighting For Ithaca, I felt it was really time to focus on my sweet bostaff skillz. I think there is a big market for someone who is able to twirl a big stick thingy, and I also think it's a good way to tell people "Stop touching my sandwiches (I make REALLY good sandwiches. And people keep touching them). Also, there wasn't enough room for both me AND Curtis's biceps in the same band, so something had to go. We took a band vote, and unfortunately I lost. Oh, and also, I have a beautiful, wonderful wife and two young kids who I love more than anybody has ever loved anything (including delicious, delicious pizza), and I kind of want to be around more for them. But mostly the first stuff I said."

ITS - What are some of your fondest memories with your respective bands?

Phil - "I have made far too many memories with far too many people over the years to even begin listing them. But they all involve the guys I have played with and interactions with fans. Usually both at the same time. There is nothing quite like the feeling of realizing that you've "made it" with your best friends."

David - "Touring was always my favourite part. I love the guys in the faceplants and we always had a great time. To name some specific shows; Inlet Theatre (multiple tour kick offs), Vanier Hall (Prince George/Largest Crowd), Park Theatre (Winnipeg/ great night), Tom Lee music hall (first all ages show with the band). To me nothing will beat my 12 hour marathon drives, hopped up on BurrBull (blueberry redbull) with the top gun sound track CRANKED."

ITS - Do you guys have any regrets about anything you have done or didn't get a chance to do?
David - "I do and I don't. I do because I wish I had toured all the way to Newfoundland/toured other continents and I wish I'd seen more commercial success. I don't because i still accomplished goals and have the fantastic memories that go along with it. I've always said that I can live with failure.. I can't live with regret. I can rest at night knowing I went for it."
Phil - "The only regret I have is that I was too busy loving what I was doing to make time to do things I would regret later in life."
ITS - You guys have touched many hearts across the country, what final messages do you have for the fans?
Phil - "The biggest message I have for the fans is "thank you." You have meant the world to me. No matter how many of you I've met, I have always been blown away by how amazing you are. YOU. For your own unique abilities, quirks, and spirits. Keep shining."
David - "Appreciation, respect, and happiness. If I made one person want to play drums, or made someone's day better, then I'm happy. The love, appreciation and gifts that were shown and shared with me touched my heart beyond measure. I'm a musician, to be validated in such ways made me incredibly happy and was very humbling. I thank you all. Support your indie scene, it is the only way it will stay alive."

"Cezar White and Spencer Paul - your efforts were very appreciated, glad to call you both friends. Tommy - I know you won't read this, but your guidance and advice were always bang on. Thank you for the support"
ITS - Do you have any messages you want to pass on to the drummers that will be taking over for you?
David - "The Faceplants are the most driven band that i have been apart of. Don't waste that; it is much more than just playing your instrument well. Don't try to fill my shoes, make your own."
Phil - "Sheldon- hold onto your butt. FFI fans are the most effed up group of people you will ever encounter. In a totally hilarious, fun, and heartwarming way. And in a little bit of a scary way. Don't ever try to bring back the alternate definition of "Banff." Your parts will regret it."
ITS - And finally any final words for your band mates?
Phil - "Curtis, Tommy, Jonny, Adamm, Justin, and Patty- We've shared some of the best times of our lives together. I hope you all perish in a dumpster fire so that those remain the best times of our lives. <3"
David - "I love these guys. I have the highest respect and admiration for all of them. They took a chance when they asked me to join the band, I didn't fit the image and was definitely a bit older. 
They looked past it and took me based on skill set and drive. People always seemed to think that I mentored them, and although I was able to bring forth my past experiences, in reality it was the other way around. They restored my faith in the abilities of an unsigned band, they are an example of what grit, determination and ability can accomplish.
Dan - we clicked instantly, you made me incredibly welcome and allowed me to create my own parts and mold the rhythms into my flavour. You are a beast on stage and i enjoyed our conversations on the complexities of life.
Gward - your pursuit of perfect tone makes me wet. no one will ever tetris a trailer better than us. my fellow gear head, always a true beauty and down for whatever. forever the best back tracks.
MattyG - my other half (musicly speaking, of course) i wouldn't have had this experience if it wasn't for you. you are a prime example of "It's not how much you play, it's what you play." thank you for grooving with me.
Gmack - Baby Face, my Co-pilot, Ivory tickler. thank you for staying up with me those many late night drives. you are a fantastic musician and are only getting better. don't be lazy, load the trailer. sexy sax forever.

abbrev's for life boys.. don't let the Dave-isms die.
thanks for the memories. Success is in your futures. stay the path."
Once again guys I just want to say thank you for all you have done for the Vancouver music scene. If it wasn't for people like you, this blog would not exist. The appreciation I have for the two of you and what you have done for the Vancouver music scene cannot be described in words. I am proud to be able to call you both friends. But more importantly, I'm proud to be able to call you my brothers.
If you want to contact these wonderful gentlemen, you can on social media if you havn't already been following them on twitter hit up
And on Facebook

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