ITS- Who or what has been your biggest inspiration to pursue a career in music?
Miranda- "The person that has mostly influenced me and really left a mark in my skin would have to be my friends and family. Ever since I was around 6 years old music was one of my favourite things and being around the support of pushing and caring parents they would always help me with anything involved. As I started to grow up I noticed that I wasn't really liked in school, so I would turn to music. It's always been there for me when people haven't, and now that I have a career in it, music has been the best thing that has ever happened to me."
ITS- Still being so young what do you feel are your biggest challenges in life right now?
Miranda- "Probably dealing with a few of the "haters". Being so young in this particular music scene I go through a lot more hate than you would expect. But I usually am fine and can just brush it off. This one girl that used to come out and see me play said "This music scene is just like high school but with older people and no classrooms" and I completely agree."
ITS- So back in May you did a cover of Avril Lavigne's song Here's To Never Growing Up, does that song have any significant meaning to you? Or was it just a song you wanted to sing?
Miranda- "At first when I chose the song I just picked it because it was catchy and had some fun lyrics to it, and of course it was new. But after singing and practicing the song for awhile it finally sunk in that even though I'm as young as I am, and I treat my age as if it's so bad (as some of my musician friends know) I don't really enjoy my age. But this song opened my eyes kind of and made me realize that I'll never be this age again, and maybe I should really be enjoying it instead of thinking it as such a negative aspect."
ITS- What has been the biggest highlight of your young career so far?
Miranda- "Probably touring this summer. As weird as it is I have rarely any music realesed but I get treated as if I have a thousand albums out. I've opened for an amazing amount of signed/popular artists and become bestfriends with people I used to idolize. I guess that having people have faith in me and put me on the bill as a signed artist means a lot. Little things like that mean a lot to me, and a lot of people know I'm just starting out so it's really crazy to even think I have fans, especially fans in on the other side of the world (France)"
ITS- If you could setup your dream lineup for a show you were headlining who would you have open for you.
Miranda- "Oh boy, this ones tough haha. There's this band that I absolutely LOVE from Ontario called Crystalyne. So they would have to be on there aswell as my all time favourite band right now which is paramore. And the guys in Fighting For Ithaca have been here since the start of my career, and I look up to a few of them so I definitely need them in the lineup as well."
ITS- Final question. As we are winding down 2013, have you given any thought to what you want to do in 2014?
Miranda- "A few goals I have for 2014 would be to tour the rest of Canada with my full band that is finally coming together which I am so excited about! And to go down to the states because I already have a fan base down there! This year is going to be very exciting for my career."
Well thank you very much Miranda for taking the time to do this with us. Best of luck to you in your career. If you would like to follow Miranda in her career follow her on social media.
Facebook- Miranda English
Twitter- @MirandaEnglish
Instagram- @MirandaEnglish
Youtube- Miranda English
Now for a little taste of what Miranda has to offer here is her cover of Here's To Never Growing Up.

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