Monday, January 13, 2014

Interview with The Faceplants

Alright guys so this week I was joined by Dan Botch of The Faceplants. The Faceplants are a band based out of Coquitlam BC and has 5 members Dan Botch (lead vocals, guitar), Garrett Ward (lead guitar, vocals), Matt Genereux (bass, vocals), Graham Mackinnon (keyboard, synths, vocals) and David Fox (drums). Back in 2012 FP release their self titled EP which included their party song Last Night. 2013 was a big year for them as they did 2 tours in western Canada in 2 months. a little unknown fact about one of their tours they had a show in Prince George BC for the first time and played a show for 700 people. one of their biggest shows yet. To help them spread the word of themselves in the local area they have been playing to a younger audience playing at local Middle Schools providing amazing and upbeat music to the younger fans. So with that lets get to what Dan had to say.

ITS - How did The Faceplants form and how did you decide on the name for the band?

Dan - "I would say, The Faceplants as you know us now, formed somewhat around 2 years ago, but like most things you can predate it. Garrett (Guitar) and I were friends all throughout elementary school all the way through high school, and one day decided to both take up instruments. We started jamming and covering songs and finally summed up the courage to start writing our own material and play local shows. Those “beginning” years were extremely nerve-racking, but they we're amazing. The idea of being in a band, the thought of playing music to a crowd of people, it just drew us in. We've been hooked ever since. I'd say probably Grade 10-12 Garrett and I
were heavily influenced by ska and reggae music, and a lot of bands in that genre have crazy wild names (Reel Big Fish, Toasters, etc.), we thought “The Faceplants” fit. It stands out, it's different, so it works."

ITS - So 2013 was a pretty big year for you guys, what were some of the highlights.

Dan - "2013 definitely has been our biggest year yet. A ton of personal hallmarks and milestones. Some highlights include touring across Canada, performing for radio and TV, meeting new faces and gaining new and amazing fans throughout the process. We also got a new drummer! (David Fox). However cheesy it sounds with every month that goes by we find ourselves more inspired than the month before. Meeting new people, playing songs to a new crowd who has NEVER heard you before, and seeing how they react. (One of my favourite feelings ever). We are a strong band, and I believe it has really shown this past year. Looking into the beginning of 2014, we're constantly thinking of new ideas, writing new and better songs, and getting one step closer to our worldwide domination."

ITS - So you guys released an EP that was produced by Tommy Mac of Hedley, explain how that connection came about and your experience working with him.

Dan - "The connection came about quite organically and super easy! A simple phone call! We had a meeting and afterwards we we're confident that he'd be the right choice in taking those songs to where they had to go. He's a down to earth dude and did a great job."

ITS - So explain the idea behind the music video for Last Night. It looked like it was a lot of fun to do and a messy experience.

Dan - "The song is pretty straight forward. It's a party track! We wanted to shoot a video that captured that, nothing more. It's an energetic and kind of an ADD video, hopefully was a good match for the song! And yes, very messy..."

ITS - Now you guys have experienced some success as an unsigned band from Vancouver, with it already being a challenge for bands to make an impact the way you have what advice do you have for those bands?

Dan - "Even though The Faceplants are still a relatively “new” band, and don't really have the “authority” to be in the position of giving hard advice, I can say this, no matter who you are or what you do, a musician, a dancer, a professional wrestler, it's all about putting in the hours. Working, writing, and developing. Starting a band is exactly running a business, so instead of creating “Apple” computers you've created “Band X”. You now have to work your butt off, build your brand, and put yourself out there. I've spent A LOT of time thinking “Who are The Faceplants?” and trying to find our identity. You do that by writing songs, and playing shows. You need to know who you are and what you do and do and be able to do it almost to the point of agnosia, because once you get in front of people, they are going to pick you apart and make up there own version of who you are. You need to get out there, don't give a care what people think, and do you. If you're good, people will notice."

ITS - Who inspires you as a band and as individuals?

Dan - "Man, everything inspires us. Literally. I know it's the most cliche thing to say “Oh well each member comes from a different background so our inspiration comes from a wide spectrum”, but that's more than 100% the case with The Faceplants. We've got Garrett who's into the Top 40, Graham who comes from a more classical and oldies background, Matt loving Jazz and funk, and Dave who's a straight hard rock dude. Personally I find inspiration in everything. I could be listening to a punk track and for some reason have the inspiration to write a soaring Pop hook, or be laying in bed thinking about my day and a “catch phrase” will pop into my head. Inspiration is RANDOM and it cannot be forced. I often like to go for a good bike ride and clear my mind, sometimes that right there is the most inspiring."

ITS - Final question. What can the fans look forward to from The Faceplants in 2014?

Dan - "Tour! We will be touring as much as possible. Our main objective is gaining fans the proper and original way, playing shows. We will be back in the studio in the spring... THAT'S RIGHT! We will be recording a new single and will be releasing and pushing that for summer time, so keep your eyes open. We are really focusing on putting on a real “show” for people, and we all believe that is so paramount for bands, being great live. Putting everything you got into a show and hitting people with it. If they don't like it or get it, so what, you've done your best, and I guess that ties into #5, always do your best. Put out the best material, record the best songs, put on the best show, and guess what, you will be the best."

Thank you very much Dan for taking the time in doing this, I'm sure the fans will be looking for to Faceplants 2014. If you want to follow The Faceplants on social networking follow them on

Dan Botch
David Fox
Garrett Ward
Graham Mackinnon
Matt Genereux

Twitter- @TheFaceplants
Dan - @FPDanBotch
David - @FPDFox
Graham - @FPGMack
Garrett - @FPGward
Matt - @FPMattG

Dan - fpdanbotch
David - fpdfox
Garrett - fpgward
Graham - fpgmack
Matt - fpmattg


Unfortunately I'm not able to post the video here this week due to some technical issues with the site but here is the link for The Faceplants song Last Night.

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