ITS - Explain how COA got together as a band and how the band name came to be.
C.O.A. "How the band came to be is a lengthy story but what I can tell you is Dan had just got back from North Texas and sent me an email while I was sitting at a Starbucks. I emailed him back (actually through Facebook) and we were having coffee half hour later. He had noticed my dedication through previous bands and wanted to create a project together. Joe ended up entering the project through Dan as a session player.
The name ‘Clouds of Analog’ is the movement into the natural state of anything. Clouds being movement while analog being the original source. I.m a big believer in asking for something and then letting it go. So one day I was just driving on the highway being stuck in rush hour when I became frustrated and decided to take a short cut when all of a sudden I thought of the band and the name just popped into my head. It felt so right that I pulled over the car and wrote it down."
ITS - Who are your inspirations individually and as a band?
Robin - "In my teens I listened to a lot of Meatloaf, Tom Waits and Smashing Pumpkins. Huge Peter Gabriel Fan. He was recently introduced into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame and that made me so happy. Actually I am very picky. Some of my favourite bands to date are Mono, Envy, Cracker, Meatloaf, yes I did say Meatloaf My all time favourite band which I’ve seen more than anyone is Depeche Mode. Absolutely the best performances I’ve ever seen."
Dan - "I first fell in love with Punk Rock. Hearing the driving sound of Eric Melvin in NOFX drove me to play drums. It was aggressive and tons of fun. Later on my ear was drawn to drummers such as John Bonham and Billy Cobham. Mr. Bonham’s playing just felt and sounded so great, while Mr. Cobham’s fierce fusion sound really owned up my ears to the technical possibilities in Music on the side of the Drum Set. Nowadays, I listen to a wide range of things for inspiration from Chopin to Queens Of The Stone Age. On drums, the sounds of Antonio Sanchez and Eric Harland really drive me for their musicality."
Joe - "I think the band's influences are a sum of what inspires us individually. Dan brings forth a heavy jazz background in his playing which really fills in a lot of space along with Robin's lush, ambient guitar playing, and supports Robin's anthemic song writing. personally, I grew up playing in punk bands, and was inspired by a lot of the late 70's music as well as the faster street punk and hardcore that was coming out in the 90's. As a bassist I really dig bassists who play lines, Paul Simon, and Robbie Shakespeare are two of my favourites, I love the soul and r&b music from all ends of the States, listen to a lot of hip-hop, and love country music. I'm just a confused individual."
ITS - Being a band from Vancouver, how do you find the music scene in the city?
C.O.A. - "There are a lot of great bands here in Vancouver and not a lot of places to play. Vancouver is so small. A blink of the eye and your through to the other side heading into East Van. We recently played Rogers Arena so that was definitely an amazing change from 100 people to 18,000 . We definitely live in a hub where the greatest acts come to record. It’s definitely a city for recording. A lot of amazing talent choose to live here as well."
ITS - What do you think needs to change to take Vancouver to that next step in the music industry?
C.O.A. - "We are a city that thrives off daytime activities. Hiking, cycling and all adventures seems to happen throughout the day. Getting people out to shows is lil pulling teeth unless you are a DJ performing after 11pm. Our nightlife consists of Dj’s, cover bands and pizza The EDM scene is alive and well but when it comes to Rock it’s a little tough. What needs to change? No clue."
ITS - What plans do you guys have for 2014?
C.O.A. - "Touring and a new record/singles. We really feel that performing is so important vital to our momentum. Coming to see us perform is just that, a performance and we are continually working on getting that better and better at every performance."
ITS - Final question- a fun question I like to throw in, what are some pre gig rituals you have to pump you up for a show?
C.O.A. - "We actually don’t do anything crazy fun before a gig. We go into the green room or wherever we can chill out and do our warm ups. Get our heads straight and focused. We're only playing clubs right now so we don’t really have any rituals. Eating food is always nice.Just enjoying the other bands and taking in the atmosphere of the evening."
If you want to follow Clouds Of Analog on social media you can here
And you can take a listen to the previously mentioned "When I Was Young" featuring a 65 piece orchestra here. of-analog/when-i-was-young